Birds of a feather flock together. There are crazy people who are nothing but a nuisance to society. They are failures of humanity, bugs of humanity, trash, vulgar people who can’t be described in any dirty words. These crazy people attract and connect with other crazy people who are the same. It’s not organized, but it’s probably a natural way for them to hang out and lick their wounds at the bottom. Just as people who are considered successful hang out in Minato Ward, alcoholics on welfare hang out at the cheapest bars in downtown areas. This means that even people at the bottom of the hierarchy like the old man have a similar network. This time, a surprising friend jumped on the bandwagon of the old man’s foolish act. Originally, the old man was the sole perpetrator. The woman in this case is a strange duo no matter how you look at it. A pure white being who knows nothing of the world’s filth. I wonder if the old man is desperate to target these two people. He should know from all the previous cases that it’s only fools who try to do extreme things when their sales are down. Basically, the uncle said that he only chooses women who will make money, and that letting personal feelings get in the way is what amateurs do. So maybe he just assumed that he would make money this time too, but the two of them looked so bad that I hesitated to sell them. Article 175 of the Criminal Code, which deals with the distribution of obscene materials, is a law that punishes not the person who produced it, but the person who sold it. It is the person who spread it to the world and sold it who is at fault, rather than the person who created it. Wait a minute, it was the uncle who came up with this devilish act, chose the women, and carried it out. We are just humble sellers. We are just acting with the professionalism of a seller, to sell whatever we sell. Moreover, I only get 15% of the sales commission. The sales commission of a certain distribution site is 75%. Even an idiot can tell who is at fault. I’ve gone off on a tangent. This time, it was supposed to end with the uncle’s sole perpetrator. But after seeing the reaction of one woman, the uncle called in another man. The bald man, also known as Takuan. The uncle is in it for money, while Takuan is in it for curiosity. Maybe Takuan is the purer one. But this case made me realize that there is nothing more sinister than purity. He is merciless. To the uncle, she is just a commodity. So he will tear her to shreds as much as he can to return her to her original state. But Takuan is different. He will push her to the limit. He wants to see what this woman really is. Because of his pure curiosity, he will violate her body until the armor of her mind collapses. He is only interested in the bare soul that remains after the various shells are shattered. The uncle was watching Takuan’s actions with an astonished look on his face. He muttered, “He’s spilling too much, and it’s going to be a lot of work to clean up afterwards.” He thought they were the same, but from the uncle’s point of view, who is only interested in cost-effectiveness and style, he was not interested in Takuan’s serious and sincere research activities, and his materialistic attitude of only thinking of women as sex toys was highlighted in comparison. The uncle is only interested in money. Moreover, he said in a fake Kansai dialect that the dollar is the best, not the yen. After dating for about three years, I only have contempt for this man. But why is he so excited that he trembles? *This product is only available on FANZA.